Xiaomi Corp is engaged in the development of smart hardware and electronic products. While smartphone is Xiaomi's core product, the company has also expanded its business operations into the ecosystems of smart TV, IoT and internet-enabled devices, financial services, and Internet services. In terms of market share based on sales volume, Xiaomi Corp is currently one of the world's top consumer IoT platforms and it is ranked among the world's top five smart phone brands. In recent years, Xiaomi has started to engage in venture capital investment. Its investment fields include smart devices, daily necessities, games, and social media.
Business Info
IndustryTech Products and Equipment
Place of ResidenceChina (incl. Hong Kong)
Market Cap - End of 2022 ($M) 34,985
2021 Revenue ($M)50,915
Rank of 2021 Revenue17
2021 Profit ($M)2,994
Rank of 2021 Profit18